The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan and the Father acknowledged his son’s mission as Messiah (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). Baptism is the primary sacrament of the Church. It is the key to life among the saints and the gate that brings access to all other sacraments. By accepting the grace of baptism we gain entry to everlasting life in God’s kingdom.
Saint Mary Magdalen Church welcomes all who wish to receive the sacrament of Baptism. We hope to provide a rich environment where all will grow in the love of God by meeting Him in our community.
Parents presenting their children for baptism are making a life-long commitment to foster their children in the life of faith. Likewise, Godparents are responsible for the spiritual welfare of their Godchildren. Baptism Photos
- Children under six years old are eligible for the Infant Baptism process. Older children are to be included in a special program for those who can understand and participate in the celebration of this sacrament. See the pastor or Faith Formation Director for further details.
- Registered Parishioner’s—children must come from families who participate regularly in liturgy at Saint Mary Magdalen Church.
- Historical Connection—if a child has relatives in our parish or historical connections with the parish, they may be baptized here with permission of the pastor. The family should produce a letter of introduction from their home parish.
- Godparent Requirement–ideally, both sponsors/godparents are baptized, practicing Catholics. One sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, in good standing who has received Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. The other may be a baptized non-Catholic Christian.
Schedule—Baptism is first and foremost the reception of a new member into the Christian community. It is therefore appropriate that these rites take place in the midst of our assembly. It is the policy of Saint Mary Magdalen parish that baptisms take place at Sunday mass. Rare exceptions may take place at the discretion of the pastor. An additional fee applies.
- Baptism Form — complete and print this form, then contact the Parish Office.
- Pre-Baptismal Seminars—take place in the parish office at 5:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month.
- Meet with Priest, Baptismal Prep Team, or Business Manager if special arrangements need to be made.
- Rite of Welcoming—the initial rites of the baptismal liturgy are celebrated at the doors of the church at beginning of Mass on the second weekend of the month.
- Baptismal Celebration—follows the homily at Mass on the third weekend of the month.
Pre-Baptismal Seminar—reviews Catholic teachings with a particular emphasis on baptism and the sacraments of initiation. Families will also be familiarized with the rituals of baptism. This is also an opportunity to share our families’ faith journeys and the meaning of God in our lives.
- Attendance—both parents are required to attend the pre-Baptismal seminar. Godparents are encouraged to attend but not required.
- Registration—each family should complete a baptismal registration. Parents should indicate the month on which they request the baptism on the form.
Fees and Stipends:
- Fee: $75 (payable by cash, check or credit card)
- Fee for baptisms outside regular schedule: $300.
- Families may also offer a stipend to the priest or deacon administering baptism.
Baptism for Adults. Adults who desire to receive Baptism are encouraged to join the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults , RCIA.