Early faith formation is an important way to begin your child’s spiritual growth. Assisting parents in their primary role as faith educators, our community creates an environment in which all ages can grow in understanding and love of God through prayer, service and liturgy. We offer programs for children and teens, especially second graders who are preparing to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion, and teens who are preparing for Confirmation.
Catholic Scouting
Catholic Scouting draws young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community, and fosters their personal and spiritual growth. Adult leadership and youth participation are welcomed.
There are two Catholic Boy Scout troops chartered by St. Mary Magdalen Parish. Troop 19 is led by Scoutmaster Paul Maheu and meets every Wednesday from 7:30 – 9:00 pm at nearby John Hinkel Park Scout Hut. Troop 24 is led by Scoutmaster Dave Shaw and meets every Tuesday from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Contact the parish office at (510) 526-4811 for more information.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Offers children (pre-K through grade 4) a firm grounding in the basic values and tools of a life of faith, during the 9:30 am Sunday Mass.
This program will re-start during the 9:30 am Mass on October 14, 2018. Participating children process out as a group to the ECP area (basement) of the school, and return to the church before the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Family Mass
Children are encouraged to participate as readers, ushers, altar servers, and ministers of hospitality in this monthly Mass designed to help families grow together in their appreciation of the Eucharist. For more information, please contact Heather Skinner at (510) 526-4744.
Parish Playgroup
St. Mary Magdalen Playgroup is a fun way for mothers, fathers, babies and children (up to age 4) to meet and share playtime. Please call the office at (510) 526-4811 for more information.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC)
For children age 7 to 13 (8th grade) wishing to join the Catholic Church. For more information, please contact Heather Skinner at (510) 526-4744.
Sunday Faith Formation Program
Sundays, 10:40 – 11:30 am, plus special family sessions and student projects and gatherings. If you desire to share in the faith formation of our children, consider becoming a catechist. For more information, please contact Heather Skinner at (510) 526-4744.
Classes will begin October 14, 2018 for grades K-3, in the ECP area (basement) of the school.
Teen Confirmation
Are you a high school sophomore, junior, or senior seeking to be Confirmed in the Catholic Church? Parents and Teens are invited our first meeting after 9:30 mass on September 11 in the kindergarten area.
Teen confirmation classes take place after the 9:30 am Mass. The class will meet approximately every other week during the school year. Teens will gather after mass in the kindergarten lunch area for discussion and fellowship. Class ends at noon. We will use Confirmed in the Spirit from Loyola Press as our text. There is a service requirement of 10 hours.
Class Fee: $100 to cover the costs.
Questions? Call the parish office (510) 526-4811 and leave a message for Joan Bell
Youth Group
Stay tuned for announcements about upcoming activities.