Bay Wide Young Adult Mass is Saturday, March 22, at 7:30PM at St. Joseph’s Basilica in Alameda (1109 Chestnut St., Alameda 94501). There will be fellowship after the Mass.
On March 27, St. Columba Church is presenting a documentary film about two families beginning the process of repair. The event begins at 5:30PM in the parish Hall. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Berkeley Waterfront-Waterfront Scavenger Hunt. Saturday, April 26, 2025from 2:00PM to 4:00PM. Grab some friend, solve riddles, and find the squirrels hidden throughout the Waterfront. The team who finds the most squirrels wins! $20 registration fee per team of up to 6 people. The recommended age is 16 and up. Learn more here
Fresh Adventures Family Camp is for families that are new to the Berkeley Sleep-Away Camp Experience. Please see flyer.
Bishop Barber has announced a series of events so that more people can participate in the graces of the Jubilee Year of Hope, especially the reception of plenary indulgences. There is a flyer posted in the vestibule. See the video here.