Altar Servers
Altar Servers are an important part of liturgical ministry through their participation and assistance during the Mass. They assist by preparing the altar and acting as a server. Children in grades 5 through 8 are invited to be trained to serve at Mass and other liturgical events. Please contact Heather Skinner at The Madeleine for more information.
The Parish invites Adults to participate in this ministry. The Vigil Mass, 8:00 AM Mass and 11:00 AM Mass are in need of Altar Servers. Reprise you childhood role of Altar Server, or volunteer to participate in this ministry for the first time. Training will be provided to all Adults who wish to serve. We welcome families that would like to serve together. Please call the Parish office to be added to our list of Adult Altar Servers. (510) 526-4811.
Art & Environment
Help decorate the church for the different liturgical seasons and feasts. For more information, please leave a message for Lourdes Guzman at the Parish Office (510)-526-4811.

Elizabeth Jacob, Anna Johnson; Lourdes Guzman and her two sons
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers help prepare for the Eucharistic celebration and distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the gathered assembly during the Communion Rite. Please contact the Parish Office at (510)-526-4811 if you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister.
Lectors (Readers) at Mass
Readers are lay Catholics in good standing who proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy, for “when the Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself is speaking to his people” (GIRM, 29). Please email Laura Morland if you are interested in joining this ministry.
We are currently seeking new youth Lectors aged 16 – 20 for the 9:30 a.m. Mass (but exceptions can be made for a slightly younger person with good public speaking skills).
Music Ministry
Share in the joy of lending your voice to the Sunday morning liturgies. St. Mary Magdalen has two choirs: the 9:30 a.m. “Contemporary/Family” Mass Choir, and the 11:00 a.m. concert choir, known as the “Schola Magdalene.” For more information, please email Andy Canepa, the Music Director.
The primary ministry of an usher is to the parish community, helping to maintain a prayerful atmosphere during the liturgy. Ushers assist parishioners in finding their seats, take up the collection, and direct the communion procession. Please contact the Parish Office — or simply approach one of the Ushers at the Mass — if you would like to become a part of this important ministry.