Easter Vigil 2018

The Easter Vigil is the most dramatic Mass of the year, it is when the new catechumens and candidates are fully received into the church.  The celebration begins outside the church at sunset with a bonfire.  The faithful process into the church lit by candle light.  This year a cellist accompanies the Creation readings from Genesis. The parish choir and muscians provided wonderful music to lift our hearts.

Included here are photos from this wonderful Mass:

<- Parishioners gather outside the church, the candle is laid out, and fire is ready to be lit.

The fire is lit. ->





<- The Baptismal Candle has been lit and is ready to the enter the church.

The church is lit by -> candlelight.





<- The choir and muscians perform under the direction of Music Director Andy Canepa.


Deacon David -> Paternostro  reading at the ambo.


<- A Catechumen
being baptized as sponsor watches.


Newly baptized, -> 
in white and candidates await confirmation.



<- Eucharistic Ministers, sprinkling the congrattion with Holy Water.